How to use the patient portal.
Here are some of our favorite resources.
General Pediatrics
Parenting website powered by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Pediatric Symptom Checker
Useful advice on an A – Z listing of common symptoms. Powered by
American Academy of Pediatrics
The pediatric professional organization is dedicated to the health, safety, and well-being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults. Website provides resources and policy statements for medical professionals as well as parents.
CDC Vaccine Information
Information statements for all available vaccines.
Center for Young Women’s Health
Health information for teen girls around the world, from Boston Children’s Hospital.
Food Allergy Research & Education
Website of the organization formerly known as FAAN. Educating and advocating for people with food allergies.
Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
Car Seat Safety for Kids
Informational website from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
New England Genetics Collaborative
Resource for information regarding Newborn Screening tests and genetic disorders.
Search for information or support services related to a specific medical condition. Powered by the Genetic Alliance, an advocacy group for genetic diseases.
Concussion in Sports
Information from the CDC on concussion and sports.
Mass COVID-19 Info
Up-to-date information about COVID-19 in Massachusetts.
CDC COVID-19 Data Tracker
Current COVID-19 data from the CDC.
Comprehensive COVID-19 information from the CDC.
PANS/PANDAS/Neuroimmune Disorders
Comprehensive information and resources for PANS/PANDAS.
PANDAS Network
National non-profit organization for PANDAS/PANS/AE.
NEPANS Facebook Page
NE PANS/PANDAS Association.
Neuroimmune Foundation
Provides physician education and patient advocacy for PANS, PANDAS, and Encephalitis
Tick-Borne Diseases
Johns Hopkins Lyme Disease Research Center
Multidisciplinary clinical and research team for Lyme Disease and it’s varied manifestations.
The Lyme and Tickborne Disease Research Center at Columbia University
Multidisplinary treatment and research program for chronic Lyme and other tickborne diseases
International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society
Non-profit organization providing advocacy, information, and research on Lyme and other tickborne infections.
Diet and Nutrition
Foods that Fight Inflammation
Harvard Medical School Guide for anti-inflammatory diet.
Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Information from the OSU Wexner Medical Center.
How to start an Anti-inflammatory Diet
Information from the Cleveland Clinic.
Excess Sugar and the Developing Brain
Informative article on neuroscience and nutrition.